Budapest Operetta Theater/Bartok Plusz Opera Festival

- Szilveszter Szabó P. Semmelweis Ignác
- Enikó Lévai Susan
- Tünde Frankó Párka
- Veronika Nádasi Mária
- Bartók Béla Chamber Chorus of Szolnok
- Julia Jakubowska Dancer
- Lili Raubinek Dancer
- Gertrúd Andrási Musician
- Anna Biczók Dancer
- Ildikó Barabás Musician
- Gábor Csonka Musician
- Tamás Keller Musician
- Miron Kováts Musician
- Dániel Patkós Musician
- Ákos Podráczky Musician
Creative and Design Team
Martin Boross Director
Director Martin Boross is artistic director of STEREO AKT, a Budapest based contemporary theatre collective. Between 2011 and 2014, he was a member of Artus Theatre. He earned his diploma in 2013 at the University of Theatre and Film Art of Budapest, Faculty of Dramaturgy. Since 2011, he has directed twelve theater pieces—both onstage and site specific — as well as an opera, a documentary film, and numerous smaller scale works such flash-mobs and civil campaigns. His post-dramatic pieces are often interdisciplinary, participatory, and interactive, and he frequently use documentary materials from a social or political perspective. Boross is interested in audience interaction as the dramaturgical technique necessary to achieve a deep and intensive level of perception. Outside of Hungary, he has worked with international project-based teams in Germany, Spain, Denmark, and the United States.
DINYÉS Dániel Music Director
Music in 2005 at the Department of composition. He started working during his studies at the Hungarian State Opera as a repetiteur and also took part in several independent opera productions with excellent musicians, including Balázs Kovalik. From 2002 to 2012 he contributed to a number of productions of the National Theatre as music director and conductor. For two years after 2008, he had worked as music director at the Bárka Theatre before he joined for two seasons to the Kaposvár Csiky Gergely Theatre. Meanwhile he led courses at the Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music and at the Budapest University of Theatre and Film Arts. In 2015 Dinyés won „The Best Musical Performance Award” at the Budapest Comedy Theatre for his performance in The Threepenny Opera by Weill-Brecht. At the Budapest Katona József Theatre he was awarded with „Standing Ovation Award” for his „Opera Initiation” series. Dániel Dinyés made his debut as a conductor at the Hungarian State Opera with Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi in 2013. At the Budapest Operetta-theater he performed first in 2016, conducting the Gipsy Queen. Dinyés cooperates with a number of Hungarian symphony orchestras on a regular basis. A CD with a selection of Liszt-songs, with participation of his wife, Klára Kolonits opera singer, was released by the EMI in 2009 and it was nominated for Fonogram Award. In 2014 Dinyés and Kolonits released a new CD, „Bel canto Reloaded” with arias and orchestral parts which has been generally acclaimed by the Hungarian and international press. Since 2017 Dániel Dinyés has filled the principal conductor position at the Budapest Operetta-theater.
- Éva Molnár Director of Bartók Béla Chamber Chorus of Szolnok
- Szabolcs Hermann Assistant Music Director
- Anna Kyoko Szabó T. Hungarian Translation
- Diána Eszter Mátrai Dramaturg/Translator
- Julia Tytan Jakubowska Assistant Director
- Anna Biczók Choreographer
- Jenny Horváth Costume Design
- András Tucker Set design
- József Dreiszker Lighting Design
- András Juhász Video Concept/Design
- Dávid Maruscsák Video Execution
- Dóra Tési Production Assistant
A co-production of Budapest Operetta Theater and the Bartok Plusz Opera Festival
Concert Performance at the New York Academy of Medicine with The American Opera Project
December 5th, 2023

A co-production of The American Opera Project and New York Academy of Medicine
- Matthew Bryan Feld
- Charlotte Mundy
- Joy Tamayo
- Guadalupe Peraza
- Samantha Martin
- Amelia Watkins
- Sophie Delphis
- Megan Schubert
- Kelly Guerra
- Kelly Guerra
- Nissa Kahle Piano
- Peter Flint Accordion
- Leah Asher Violin
- Mila Henry Music Director
- Matthew Gray Staging director
Concert Performance – at the National Arts Club
September 11, 2017, New York

- Charlotte Mundy
- Marcy Richardson
- Catherine Hancock
- Brett Umlauf
- Charlotte Dobbs
- Emi Ferguson
- Jennifer Panara
- Guadalupe Peraza
- Katelan Terrell Piano
- Peter Flint Accordion
- Samuel Katz Violin
- Ryan McAdams Music Director/Conductor
- Erwin Maas Staging Director
- Edward Andrews Executive Producer
Directed by Matt Gray
in collaboration with
The New York Academy of Medicine
Opera Grows in Brooklyn
Glimmerglass Opera
McGinn Educational Center at Staten Island University Hospital
Sandcastle New Music
Moirae Ensemble
Artists include
- Matt Gray
- Charity Wicks
- Kelly Horsted
- Mila Henry
- Daisy Press
- Joseph Keckler
- Matthew Curran
- Amy Justman
- Patrick Porter
- Abigail Fisher
- Dina Rose Rivera
- Jessica Savage
- Luke Canterella
- Michael Marcotte
- Kate Maroney
- Glenn Fleshler
- Donna Smith
- Jessica Miller-Rausch
- Jeffrey Tucker
- Maeve Höglund
- Amy Shoremount-Obra
- Marguerite French
- Harrison Unger
- Josh Mertz
- Ryan Andes
- Paul Schneider
- Megan Ketch
- Alisha Spielmann
- Angus Hepburn
- Olivia Baseman
- Jerry Marsini
- Bill Jones
- Steven Osgood
- Ned Canty